PX Précinox offers a range of standard wires with no tooling costs produced in a wide range of alloys and sizes.
These can be supplied in straightened rods, coils or reels, depending on the product.
Precious metals

Round and rectangular wires
Round and rectangular wires

- Watchmaking
- Jewellery
- High technology industry
- Medical
- Gold and alloys
- Silver and alloys
- Platinum and alloys
- Palladium and alloys
Our alloys are offered with different segregated and traceable gold labels.
Each wire is unique: it is custom designed and manufactured, according to the customer’s needs and preferences.
Standard tolerances depending on the field of application.
Other tolerances on request.
Quality control
Each delivery is accompanied by a certificate of composition and an inspection report.
Delivery format
- Straightened bar
- Torch
- Coil
Further information
All our shaping tools are designed and produced in-house. We develop our alloys and processes in close collaboration with our R&D laboratory.
For more information, please contact us
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