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To preserve tungsten and cobalt resources, PX TOOLS has set up a recycling procedure for the carbide tools it manufactures. And all with the help of our customers. Managed by PX TOOLS, a collection system for used tools is organized directly at the customer’s premises, using returnable boxes.

The carbide tools we sell are made from precious materials that are rare on our planet. They are mainly composed of tungsten and cobalt, resources that are not unlimited.

Long-term action

To limit the use of resources, PX TOOLS acts with the help of its customers. We are thus setting up a recycling stream for carbide products. Thanks to this joint action, we collect used tools from our partner customers and send them for reprocessing. The carbide in our possession is sent to recycling centers, to begin a new life cycle.

The products are then reduced to a powder and returned to the supply chain before being transformed into new components. This material has less impact on mineral extraction, processing, energy and transport.

Practical to set up

For the collection of used carbide tools, PX TOOLS undertakes to make our consigned boxes available on your premises for this joint operation. Once the bin is full, please contact us to exchange it for an empty one. Tracking and tracing of the recycling flow is handled by us and available at your convenience. PX TOOLS will collect, weigh and store the carbide, before shipping it to the recycling site. The price will be determined according to the current PX Tools price, which will credit your account for future purchases.

To become part of this program and join us in helping to save our planet, contact your sales representative, who will provide you with one or more consigned boxes at your company, depending on your requirements.