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Our services

Recycling and refining

The company is equipped with its own foundry, to offer an efficient waste treatment service to its customers, as well as meeting its own needs. Control of the recycling and refining operations ensures the responsiveness and autonomy needed to guarantee optimum flow.

PX Précinox is a reliable, responsible and responsive partner for this kind of treatment. For over 40 years, the company has been one of Switzerland’s leading refiners of industrial precious metal scrap. PX Précinox ensures a high recovery rate, alongside its commitment to minimizing environmental impact.

Precious metal refining and recycling

Our vision

To be recognized as the essential responsible, transparent and ethical refiner and processor.

Recycling and refining

  • All precious metals
  • Cast iron and homogenization
  • Incineration and ash treatment for low-grade waste:
    • Sweepings
    • Papers
    • Rags
    • Sludge
    • Filters, etc.
  • Tailored refining process:
    • Chemical
    • Physico-chemical
    • Electrolytic

Our strengths

  • Strong commitment to responsible gold production, with initiatives for processes with a minimal carbon footprint
  • Swiss Triple Impact approach
  • Impeccable reputation, with maximum source traceability backed up by segregated processing
  • Dedicated lines diversified according to our sources and customer requests
  • Very high recovery rates
  • No technical minimum quantities. Small units for diversified processing
  • Available as soon as assaying is complete, for in-house production
  • Excellent responsiveness and flexibility, specialized in the processing industry
  • Chemical diamond recovery
  • Logistics organized throughout Switzerland
  • Account-to-account transfer fees covered


Proactive modeling of 3D blanks, as close as possible to the finished part.

For more information, please contact us

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