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Partnerships and research

PX Group upholds its human, ecological and entrepreneurial values by supporting several institutions through partnerships in the fields of innovation, research and culture. The Group’s partnerships set out to be ethical and fair, based on shared values and with the aim of working closely together to carry out a joint project or achieve a common goal. These collaborative projects are mainly in the social, educational, cultural and ecological fields, as well as in research and innovation.

A committed and responsible player, PX Group has also initiated an ethical project in collaboration with its partner Dynacor in Peru, for which the group received the 2018 Swiss Ethics Award.


As part of their activities linked to the PX Impact® project (responsible gold sourcing), PX Précinox SA and its partner Dynacor Gold Mines Inc. collaborate with FIDAMAR, an NGO based in Lima (Peru).

The projects implemented by FIDAMAR are all financed by the “PX Impact Fund”, which receives premiums from the sale of gold, whose extraction process in Peru is managed by Dynacor Gold Mines Inc., and the end products of which, such as fine gold and semi-finished products in various gold alloys, are produced and marketed by PX Précinox SA in Switzerland.

More information about FIDAMAR

La Chaux-de-Fonds FABLAB

PX Group embarks on a partnership with the La Chaux-de-Fonds FabLab. This association opened its doors in September 2018, welcomes your ideas and helps you realize your projects.

But what is a FabLab?

FabLabs are a worldwide network of local laboratories, united under a common charter governing their operating terms and conditions. This network pools a whole range of resources, enabling anyone to make just about anything they want, and to disseminate knowledge, know-how and projects. For further information, please consult the FabLabs charter.

La Chaux-de-Fonds FabLab

Located in the heart of the Neuchâtel mountains, the La Chaux-de-Fonds FabLab is organized as an association, and can boast a downtown workspace of more than 200 m2. In addition to the basic consituents of a FabLab, this facility offers more “conventional” equipment such as a mechanical workshop and a woodworking shop. The premises have been designed to ensure that the various projects can be carried out smoothly from A to Z, both in terms of the diversity of equipment and the layout.



As a major player in the institutional sector, CONINCO has developed strong expertise in sustainable investment in recent years. The aim of this collaboration is to promote the acquisition of PX Impact® precious metals by pension funds, private investors, family offices and financial intermediaries looking for responsible, traceable gold.

More information about CONINCO Explorers in finance SA


In PX Group’s field of activity, only a constant policy of innovation can guarantee the business’ long-term future. Just like with academic training, our ties with universities ensure that we continue to provide the necessary input of new ideas. In September 2013, this intention became reality thanks to the PX Chair: a chair in metallurgy created in partnership with EPFL.

This private-public partnership between PX Group and the Institute of Microengineering (IMT), which has been attached to EPFL since 2007, has enabled the Chair to be established in Neuchâtel. Directly integrated into the Microcity building, it has significantly stepped up research in the fields of metallurgy and additive manufacturing. In addition, we carry out applied research, i.e. the study of thermomechanical properties to develop more efficient materials.

This is a long-term collaboration, as it generally takes five to ten years to achieve results. In constant contact with the professor and his PX Chair team, PX Group’s R&D Department benefits from the fruits of some of this research, and can apply them directly to the various fields of activity of the Group and its customers: watchmaking, tooling, medical and automotive.